Sankalp Foundation

Sankalp Foundation’s inspiration comes from Gandhiji who said “Go to the villages!” we aim to successfully utilize the available resources in the villages in such a way that the villager is self-dependent.

Aims & Objectives:

To imbibe the knowledge amongst villagers that will help them to firstly fulfill their basic needs and to take them ahead to high-class education.

To teach the students small useful skills Which will make them self-dependent and thereby promote skill development.

To bring out in each of these student-a-volunteer-a humane human being, and to take them from success towards fulfillment.

To imbibe a deep feeling of motherhood towards mother nature and to teach the students to care for animals and birds the way they would for a fellow human being.

Thus, doing a small bit in the conservation of biodiversity.

To see to it that various government and social schemes reach out to the grass-root level and to monitor the implementation of the same.

In short, Sankalp Foundation is a global view social NGO.